Manure Forks


The Prodig Manure Fork is a heavy duty and robust fork that can be used for a wide range of purposes on both tractor loaders or tele-handlers.

  • Designed for use across the tractor/teleporter range of machines.
  • 1020mm profiled 25mm Hardox tines used in bottom bar for long service life.
  • Hardox tines are manufactured with replaceable wear tips meaning the tine never has to be replaced.
  • Also available with drop forged tines with weld in bushes.
  • Forks available in widths from 1.8m to 2.5m.
  • Heavy duty fork back with vision windows to view outer tines when loading.
  • Engineered and fabricated bottom section for superior structural strength and rigidity.
  • Bolt on hitches available to fit all machines.
  • Max machine lifting capacity: 5000kg

Technical Data

Manure Fork MF 1800 MF2200
Width (mm) A 1800 2200
Height (mm) B 885 885
Depth (mm) C 990 990
Weight (kg) 280 330
Back (mm) 6 6
Tine lenght (mm) 1021 (40”) 1021 (40”)
Tine Width (mm) 25mm HARDOX 25mm HARDOX
Number of tines 8 10
Tine spacing 220 220

All measurements approx. (±5mm, ±5kg).
Weight includes Bolt On Frame.
Weight excludes brackets as these vary.


Manure Fork (1.8m) MF 1800
Manure Fork (2.2m) MF 2200
Manure Fork (2.5m) MF 2500
Tractor Bolt on Brackets TBB 100
Industrial Bolt on Brackets IDBB 100
Replacement Hardox wear tips for tines (each) HX TIP

User manual
